Payouts and Information
Entry Fees & Payouts
$10,000 Races
$10,000 – Winner
$2,000 – RU
$800 – Semi
$100 Rd money starts with 2nd rd win
$190 – Entry
$120 – Buyback
$5,000 Races
$5,000 – Winner
$1,500 – RU
$600 – Semi
$300 5th rd. Win
$200 4th rd. Win
$100 3rd rd. Win
$50 2nd rd. Win
$150 – Entry
$90 – Buyback
$3,000 Races
$3,000- Winner
$1,000- RU
$400- Semi
$50 Rd money starts with 2nd rd win
*2 drivers may enter the same car, But 1 driver CANNOT enter the same car twice.
**All buybacks run each other, with winners advancing into 2nd round.
*Cars equipped with a Delay Box and/or Transbrake are eligiable to run
IF AND ONLY IF the Delay Box and Transbrake are disconnected prior to entering the staging lanes.